Clarity Call for Group Mentorship Info
Mentorship Call & Purchase Info
Service Description
This is for those interested in the Transform & Heal Private Group Mentorship 1,2, or3 & wishing to book a Clarity Call with me. There will be 2 other automated emails with directions ect: they are automated in the system & may go out before your call. ***Please keep the 1st one with the Zoom link. For those wishing for a phone call, please fill out the Message Form at the very bottom of the check-out page after you book your day/time slot with me. Please write in the message area that you wish for a 'Clarity Call by phone' & write your 'phone number' again also to confirm this. **(phone calls for Canadian residents only). Chat soon! Thank you. Carla xo ****THIS IS A BOOKING AREA FOR "Flow into Abundance Transform & Heal 1, 2 &3 " Interest & Purchase area ONLY*** ****** This Private Mentorship Group container takes in new members every 6 months. It is open right now for calls to see if you feel you're a good fit or any other questions you may have about the program.

Cancellation Policy
**Cancelation of any service /appointment requires 48-hour notice. You may reschedule that appointment 1 time only. or receive 50% refund, less the credit card fees if used. *if cancelation is 24hrs before the appointment, there will not be a refund issued, you may reschedule that appointment 1 time only. *Group Memberships have it's own policy please read. Notice is still to be given in advance. I appreciate your understanding & respect for my time & all others looking to fill the spot if required. Thank you, Carla.
Contact Details
1304 Pioneer Road, Sudbury, ON, Canada